Thursday, March 29, 2012

Exciting News

Hello everyone,
I have some really exciting news, first off I am in the Aberdeen Times!! If you look up and click on Local News Headlines you will be able to read an article about some local appearances that I will be making here in Aberdeen. Also today I was voted to be my schools Vice President for Beta Club. Beta is a members only club that you could be asked to join if you make a 93 or above average the whole year. Lets just say the lowest grade I have made in Southern Middle is a 92 in science when I was in 6th grade. I hope everyone is enjoying my blog I am having so much fun!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pinehurst St Patrick's Day Parade

We all had such a GREAT time at our very first parade together!! ( I am not wearing shoes, I know, because a sprained my ankle that morning at soccer) My Carolina princess Kira was unable to attend the parade we missed her dearly! I am pleased to introduce the other lovely ladies..... Jocelyn Hunt, Miss UNCP 2012, Mackenzie,my Carolina Princess (standing next to me) Layah, is the little girl in front of me,  and Kaitlyn, she is wearing a sash in front, are our beautiful Carolina Princesses!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Miss UNC Pembroke's Outstanding Teen

My name is Elizabeth Lee O'Brien and I am so excited to have been chosen for the 2012 Miss UNC Pembroke's Outstanding Teen.  I received the call in February and it has been a roller coaster ever since.  It is crazy how persistence and dedication pays off.  I turned 13 last September which allowed me to start competing in the preliminary pageants for Miss North Carolina's Outstanding Teen pageant.  I competed in a lot of pageants between October 2011 and being announced as Miss UNCP's OT but I gained so much experience, confidence and friends.

One of the most important aspects of the Miss America program on all levels is community service.  I am so lucky to have MMIA as my sponsor.  Military Missions in Action helps me with my platform, "Footlockers for Soldiers".  I have already been able to ship over a hundred boxes to Afghanistan for our Soldiers deployed over there.  I am now trying to get more basic need items collected so I can send boxes to other deployed Soldiers.  My dad's last company is now over there and I have heard that they too are in a very remote area without electricity in some of the sleeping tents.  I sure want to get basic need items to them too.